这篇图文送给和小编一样的面包爱好者哦~ Ran,Shizuoka-born artist from Japan, who is working under the name of Konel Bread, bakes amazing loaves that hide a surprise inside of them。 This Japanese mom is inspired by her son’s drawings and nature, and she turns this inspiration into creative designs that could be discovered only after cutting the bread。 Ran 出生于日本静冈,现在是一名Konel面包店的糕点师,烘焙着暗藏“玄机”的面包。这位日本妈妈受到儿子平时绘画作品和自然的启发,研制出了一系列的创意面包。这是一种创造性的设计:这些面包的“玄机”,只有切开才能看到。 From lively flowers to her son’s favorite cartoon characters, Ran shows that there’s no limit to her imagination when it comes to baking bread。 The best part of this whole process is that the baker uses natural flavours and colors, such as spinach, cocoa, and beetroot。 Scroll down and vote for your favorite bread masterpiece! 无论是可爱的花朵还是儿子喜欢的卡通人物,对她来说都不在话下。可以说在烤面包方面,她有着天马行空的想象力。在制作的过程中,最棒的就是,她实用的香料和颜色都是纯天然的,比如说菠菜、可可粉和甜菜根。快来欣赏一下,选出你的最爱吧! 1。萌萌的龙猫 2。 圆滚滚的熊猫 3。憨态可掬的企鹅 4。夏季的最爱~ 5。可爱版“大白鲨”~ 6。童年回忆“米老鼠” 7。狗子 8。又一童年回忆“小熊维尼” 9。贱萌贱萌的小黄人 10。小鱼~ 11。小芙蝶~ 12。各色的“发”(花)~ 13。木木鸟 14。达摩不倒翁 15。小姑娘~ 16。又一童年回忆“皮卡丘” 17。 闪亮的王冠 18。小爪印~ 19。彩虹 20。开森的太阳~ 肿么样~ 是不是很有创意呢! 看了之后是不是食欲大增呢?