秉持“发光肌,从清洁开始”的护肤理念,享有30余年的专业美肤经验,EVE LOM深信彻底清洁、去角质、长效保湿是展现美丽肌肤的根本秘诀。EVE LOM凭借经典洁颜霜在全球享负盛名,屡获全球美容业界多项殊荣,以其独特配方,霜状质地揉合4大精油,溶解残妆污垢,同时借助精油的疗愈能量,安抚肌肤状态,减缓症状,调理滋养肌肤。EVE LOM经典洁颜霜更被《VOGUE》杂志誉为 “Probably the best cleanser in the world”。 “My philosophy started from respecting the skin, the skin performs wonderfully and miraculously, efficient, indispensable for our lives.” “我的哲学是从重视肌肤开始……肌肤呈现光彩照人是我们人生中不可或缺的。” “I keep my beauty regime very simple. My products and techniques focus on cleansing the skin so it remains healthy and in good condition, thus letting natural beauty shine through.” “我坚持非常简单的护肤流程。我使用的产品和护肤步骤都主要注重清洁来让肌肤健康和保持良好状态,从而达到自然的发光肌效果。“ —— EVE LOM